Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Work out Wednesday

I'm not proud of myself. I totally slacked all last week. It was bad- that pure bare class I was going to take Saturday in Atl was full and each morning the though of sleeping in trumped the though of getting toned. The only working out I did Saturday was walking around Atlantic Station shopping- sorry Chris ;). For someone going to the beach next week you would think I would get it together. Well I have bounced back. Monday and Tuesday morning the thought of being on the beach soon got me up early and to the gym. Ashlee and I have even decided to bring out workout clothes and run together in the morning while we are in Destin. Chances are we will be the first ones up anyways since somehow we just naturally always wake up by 7 at the latest!

So what workouts have I been keen on? Here's a good one I found on pintrest that you can easily do at home!
Now whether or not it really burns 1,000 calories I'm not sure, but I do know I was sore the next day! I like to switch up the types of crunches and squats I do. Sometime adding a plank and lunges instead. I also alternate between girl pushups, incline pushups, and tricep dips. The total time it takes to complete is about 30-40 minutes. Let me know what yall think about it!

Stay motivated!

Love yall. xo.

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